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How do YOU define success?

We are Pam Morris & Sherry Watts and we help small teams, large corporations, families, and individuals achieve their goals using the Kolbe method.

We believe that inside every person is an inborn need or drive to be a success at whatever they choose to do. So how do you define success? Kathy Kolbe, the originator of the Kolbe Wisdom, says “The definition of success is the freedom to be yourself.” We agree with Kathy and believe that true success is available to everyone.


So how does one simply find out who they truly are? How do you figure out how to apply your unique strengths to be a success? How does a business owner or manager find the right person for their team? How do parents figure out how to direct their child’s talents?

At Instinct Matters, we are in the business of helping people discover their true gifts and talents that are already a part of each individual and organization. We help you direct these incredible mental strengths towards gratifying and productive results. We help people discover who they really are and then nurture them to authentically contribute their time and energy to those things that they say are important to them.